Happy Costumers
are our motivation

Our wide range of ser­vices pro­vid­ed is demand­ed by cus­tomers from the most var­i­ous industries.
Apart from machine man­u­fac­tur­ers and car builders as well as their sup­pli­ers we also coop­er­ate with part­ners in the fields of aero- and astro­nau­tics, car rac­ing and in radio fre­quen­cy tech­nol­o­gy.
You also need to per­form a task in one of these fields? Don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us!
Some part­ners gave us per­mis­sion to list them on our site, so we would like to intro­duce them:

Robert Bosch GmbH

Robert Bosch GmbH
Post­fach 10 60 50
70049 Stuttgart | GERMANY



Institut für Maschinenelemente (IMA)

Pfaf­fen­waldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart

Tele­fon: +49 711 685–66170
E‑Mail: sekretariat@ima.uni-stuttgart.de