It is time.

It’s time to look back with joy at the good things we have achieved together.

We have achieved this by work­ing togeth­er and being there for each oth­er in the fam­i­ly as well as at work.
It is time to rec­og­nize this togeth­er­ness and being there for each oth­er as the cen­tral build­ing block of what we have achieved and for the future.

We can use the days around Christ­mas and the turn of the year to become aware of these thoughts away from the hus­tle and bus­tle of every­day life.

Being there for each oth­er is impor­tant in all areas. Impor­tant for us as human beings.
Being there for each oth­er in the fam­i­ly, at work and, in fact, in the world.
Being there for oth­ers can be seen in the fact that we help oth­ers who can­not help them­selves and these are most­ly children.
At Christ­mas time, we have always made it a tra­di­tion to focus on oth­ers who urgent­ly need our “being there for each oth­er”. Maria Montessori’s mot­to “Help me to do it myself” fol­lows this vision in a spe­cial way.

For this rea­son, we are con­tin­u­ing to sup­port Basudev Kafle’s Montes­sori school in Nepal this year. He ensures that chil­dren can attend school who would oth­er­wise not have this oppor­tu­ni­ty. How­ev­er, the dis­tances to school there are so long that they can­not be cov­ered on foot. With finan­cial help from us, friends and acquain­tances, Mr. Kafle has also orga­nized a bus so that the chil­dren can attend school every day. This edu­ca­tion will enable them to help them­selves and oth­ers lat­er as adults.
This is pre­cise­ly our aim in sup­port­ing and helping.

So now is the time for us to say a big thank you to you. Thank you for all your sup­port, for every­thing we have achieved togeth­er, for all our won­der­ful suc­cess­es and, above all, for your trust in us.

We would like to thank you for allow­ing us to keep work­ing on new projects togeth­er and look for­ward to a hap­py New Year 2024 with you at our side.
It’s time for Christmas.

The RM team wish­es you
Mer­ry Christ­mas and a healthy, hap­py and suc­cess­ful New Year 2024

