
Help Desk with one on one email and tick­et sup­port and ded­i­cat­ed sup­port staff ready to assist you.

You’re in Good Company
Over 30,000 web­sites are using the Vam­Tam Themes. The sta­bil­i­ty of our themes have been bat­tle test­ed and it’s a great choice for projects of any size.

All Images Includ­ed in the Demo Content
No need to wor­ry about find­ing the prop­er images for your niche. You are free to use any of the images you see in our Live Demo. 

30 days mon­ey back guarantee
If the theme is not up to your expec­ta­tions we will refund you no ques­tions asked.

Front End Beaver Builder
The most inno­v­a­tive and easy to use page builder.
Join over 250,000 web­sites built with Beaver Builder. 

Live Edit­ing with the Word­Press Customizer
All theme options are avail­able in the Word­Press Live Cus­tomiz­er to style your site eas­i­ly in the front end.

23 Metic­u­lous­ly-script­ed and pro­fes­sion­al­ly-pro­duced HD video tuto­ri­als for begin­ners worth $79!

Exten­sive set­up guide.

100 + help arti­cles writ­ten by us.


Live Edit­ing with the Word­Press Customizer
All theme options are avail­able in the Word­Press Live Cus­tomiz­er to style your site eas­i­ly in the front end.

Child Theme
Sup­port for Advanced Users.

Rev­o­lu­tion Slid­er Respon­sive Word­Press Plu­g­in – $25 !

30 + cus­tom ready to use pages with amaz­ing design.

Trans­la­tion Ready

100% WPML / Poly­lang compatible.
The theme is trans­la­tion ready – po/mo files included.

Easy Ani­ma­tion builder.
Unique scrolling ani­ma­tion, con­trolled from each builder element’s option panel.

Font replace­ment
You can change any text on your site to the font of your lik­ing and you can pre­view fonts in the admin panel
Google fonts sup­port – 600+ fonts

The theme will let you cus­tomize the style and typog­ra­phy of every ele­ment in the design.

Sim­ple but Powerful
Our phi­los­o­phy for Vam­Tam themes is to cre­ate a toolset that’s pow­er­ful enough for devel­op­ers, but sim­ple enough for end users. The Vam­Tam themes are the per­fect bal­ance of set­tings and functionality.

Video Back­ground Sections

1200+ Pre­mi­um Icon Set – $39 !

Max Mega Menu plugin

Reti­na ready
We avoid using images in the design instead, we use vec­tor icons which look per­fect­ly sharp on high res­o­lu­tion screens. We’ve also made sure that any images uploaded by you (fea­tured images, etc.) have twice the width of the avail­able space.


10+ Port­fo­lio layouts

Cube Port­fo­lio Grid worth $16 !
Fil­tered port­fo­lio with cool CSS3 animations.
Fea­tured slid­er for port­fo­lio list­ing and port­fo­lio posts.
Full width portfolio

Per page and per post option panels

Glob­al archive templates

Jet­pack and Jet­pack widgets
We sup­port some of the great free fea­tures Jet­pack plu­g­in come to offer:

Cus­tom CSS
Cus­tom Con­tent Types
Extra Side­bar Widgets
Infi­nite Scroll
Tiled Galleries
Wid­get Visibility

Boxed and full­width layout

10 head­er layouts

Nin­ja forms !

Choose from three max res­o­lu­tions –  1140 px, 1260 px and 1400 px.


Sup­port for the best shop plu­g­in – WooCommerce!

WooCom­merce Prod­uct Archive Cus­tomiz­er Plu­g­in – Allows you to cus­tomize WooCom­merce prod­uct archives. Change the num­ber of prod­uct columns and the num­ber of prod­ucts dis­played per page. Tog­gle the dis­play of core ele­ments and enable some that are not includ­ed in WooCom­merce core such as stock lev­els and prod­uct categories.

The best front end builder — Beaver Builder
Join over 300,000 web­sites built with Beaver Builder. Sleek, extreme­ly easy to use and very well documented.

Sticky Head­er Option

One Page Style menu option

One-click demo con­tent install

Inte­grat­ed Enva­to Toolk­it – you can update the theme from the admin panel.
Demo con­tent and con­fig­u­ra­tion one click install.
Wid­get importer.
Sep­a­rate con­tent, wid­get and demo slid­ers importers.


Respon­sive lay­out (320px to 1400px)

Reti­na ready
We avoid using images in the design – instead, we use vec­tor icons which look per­fect­ly sharp on high res­o­lu­tion screens. We’ve also made sure that any images uploaded by you (fea­tured images, etc.) have twice the width of the avail­able space

Option to dis­able the back­ground images on mobile devices

Change glob­al dis­play set­tings or break­points for devices

Option to enable search and top bar

Respon­sive Sliders

The columns of portfolio,blog and fea­tured slid­er lay­out respond to res­o­lu­tion. 4 col­umn lay­out will go down to 2 in mobile resolutions

Change dis­play set­tings on mobile devices

All Beaver Builder lay­outs are respon­sive, mean­ing they auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust for var­i­ous screen sizes.

If you want fur­ther con­trol, you can cus­tomize the respon­sive set­tings, both for indi­vid­ual ele­ments and sitewide.

Change respon­sive set­tings for indi­vid­ual elements

You can choose large, medi­um, or small devices or some com­bi­na­tion. Large Devices Only means the ele­ment will only be vis­i­ble on desk­top com­put­ers or TVs with a brows­er. Small Devices Only means the ele­ment will only be vis­i­ble on most phones. Medi­um Devices are for devices like small tablets.

Hard­ware-accel­er­a­tion on slid­ers and all javascript

Ded­i­cat­ed mobile design, looks per­fect on your IOS or Android device

Touch Enabled Slid­ers with swiping


Help Desk with one on one email and tick­et sup­port and ded­i­cat­ed sup­port staff ready to assist you.

100 + help arti­cles writ­ten by us

Sup­port Scope
With your per­mis­sion, we will glad­ly login to your Word­Press admin pan­el or FTP so we can deal with any issues “hands on.” We want our themes to work for you, and we’ll bend over back­wards to make that hap­pen. Even if your prob­lem isn’t direct­ly relat­ed to the theme, we will at least get you point­ed in the right direction.

Response times less than 8 hours

23 Metic­u­lous­ly-script­ed and pro­fes­sion­al­ly-pro­duced HD video tuto­ri­als for begin­ners worth $79!

Exten­sive set­up guide

In-Dash­board Con­tex­tu­al Help. Тhere are lit­tle helpers every­where in the inter­face, that let you retrieve quick infor­ma­tion about the par­tic­u­lar fields you are cur­rent­ly viewing.