RM Mar­ket. Our inter­net shop for ser­vices and pro­duc­tion, which makes many of our offers easy and con­ve­nient for you to order.

RM Mar­ket should grad­u­al­ly become a mar­ket place where you can quick­ly and eas­i­ly select our ser­vices, con­fig­ure and com­pile them accord­ing to your wish­es and needs, receive offers and then place an order.

A small excerpt from our cur­rent range of prod­ucts: Our mod­ern 3D-mea­sur­ing machines mea­sure your pro­duced work­piece precisely.

In order to mark your met­al prod­uct in a forgery-proof man­ner, we label it accord­ing to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions with text, logo or with QR, data matrix or bar­code with our pre­cise laser.

Vis­it us on our shop page, have a look around and let us inspire you.
We are curi­ous about your ideas and wish­es and look­ing for­ward to the new chal­lenges you will present us with.

Your team from RM-Mar­ket

On our CNC milling and lath­ing machines, we man­u­fac­ture sophis­ti­cat­ed indi­vid­ual parts or small series for you in all types of metal.

We also offer “all-inclu­sive” and take care of your idea from the draw­ing, to the mate­r­i­al pro­cure­ment, threw the whole pro­duc­tion process, includ­ing mea­sure­ment on our mea­sur­ing machines and as the last step the laser marking.

In addi­tion, you will receive the doc­u­men­ta­tion as PDFs on request and sub­se­quent deliv­er­ies can be pro­duced quick­ly at any time thanks to the inten­sive documentation.

Because also in our new oper­at­ing seg­ment our mot­to is: “Every­thing from one source”, because
