A deci­sive ele­ment among our ser­vices is the high qual­i­fi­ca­tion of our employ­ees such as the expert knowl­edge of our mea­sur­ing engi­neers which enables us to pro­vide an excel­lent “qual­i­ty monitoring”.

We per­ma­nent­ly improve our qual­i­ty man­age­ment to keep it state of the art. So our mea­sur­ing engi­neers are always aware that you can only achieve cor­rect mea­sur­ing results by observ­ing numer­ous stan­dards and rules:
Suit­abil­i­ty of the test­ing device, mea­sur­ing tech­niques in accor­dance with the required stan­dards, cor­rect inter­pre­ta­tion of admis­si­ble devi­a­tions in form or posi­tion or infor­ma­tion on surfaces.

So our cus­tomers will not only be pro­vid­ed with mea­sured val­ues but also impor­tant infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the qual­i­ty of their parts.

If you require a high degree of accu­ra­cy in your man­u­fac­tured parts we are able to mea­sure your parts on our high-pre­ci­sion machines includ­ing the cor­re­spond­ing mea­sur­ing pro­to­col, and final­ly to eval­u­ate the mea­sured results to come to a reli­able judge­ment on the qual­i­ty of your product.
Please con­tact us if you require our mea­sur­ing service.
Here you can down­load a leaflet on our equip­ment as PDF.

Con­cern­ing our most impor­tant equip­ment in the field of mea­sur­ing please regard the fol­low­ing table:
